Recurrent Spontaneous Haemarthrosis of the Knee Joint Secondary to Popliteal Arterio-articular Fistula

P.E. Casey, U.N. Bhatty, A.A. Egun, S. Canty
2012 EJVES Extra  
Introduction: A pathological connection between artery and joint cavity is an exceptionally rare phenomenon and may result from previous trauma or surgical intervention. Report: We report a unique case of recurrent, spontaneous haemarthrosis and limb ischaemia caused by an arterio-articular fistula between the popliteal artery and knee joint in a young man with a history of previous tibial plateau fracture. Discussion: We discuss the likely aetiology, investigation and management of this
more » ... case with reflection that not only immediate but also delayed vascular compromise should be considered in cases of lower limb fracture. Ó
doi:10.1016/j.ejvsextra.2012.09.001 fatcat:ywvsrwrmdbdmfpgjsi7sdzqxzy