Study on Development Strategy of Tourism Industry in Jiangxi Province Based on Boston Matrix

Renwenya Luo, Xia Liu, Junyong Wagn, Lan Ding, Jiaqi Jin, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
It has become an important economic development strategy of Jiangxi Province to promote the development of regional economy through the development of tourism industry. However, due to the difficulties brought by the environment and its own limitations, local development is not coordinated and lacks targeted strategies. Based on the development data of tourism industry in Jiangxi Province from 2010 to 2014, 2014 to 2018, this paper constructs the Boston matrix of tourism market in Jiangxi
more » ... ce, analyzes the competition situation, explains and analyzes the seven changes of the Boston matrix.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202127502042 fatcat:gvw4dbadanhofa64inwkenqyoa