A novel sequencer hardware for application specific computing

R.W. Hartenstein, J. Becker, M. Herz, U. Nageldinger
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors  
This paper introduces a powerful novel sequencer for controlling computational machines and for structured DMA (direct memory access) applications. It is mainly focused on applications using 2-dimensional memory organization, where most inherent speed-up is obtained thereof. A classification scheme of computational sequencing patterns and storage schemes is derived. In the context of application specific computing the paper illustrates its usefulness especially for data sequencing -recalling
more » ... mples hereafter published earlier, as far as needed for completeness. The paper also discusses, how the new sequencer hardware provides substantial speed-up compared to traditional sequencing hardware use.
doi:10.1109/asap.1997.606844 dblp:conf/asap/HartensteinBHN97 fatcat:2iao4lp3ynev3ncqdvn7ziifmi