
Bridget Penhale
2022 Journal of Adult Protection  
Bridget Penhale W elcome to this issue of the Journal, appearing more than half-way through the year; in these globally crisis-laden and chaotic times, we might wonder if time itself has speeded up somewhat! In a slight departure from our previous practice of including items relating to safeguarding that have appeared in various types of media outlets, we are providing a couple of items that readers may not be aware of, although we know that those of us in the UK world of safeguarding may
more » ... y know about, but that we wanted to draw to your attention. We, therefore, begin this issue of the Journal with two pieces of information that may be of some interest to those readers who have been long-time supporters of the journal.
doi:10.1108/jap-08-2022-078 fatcat:rkqoq4aftjftdohbfaqzawtt5q