Interferometric processing of TanDEM-X bistatic SAR data using GAMMA – implementation outline

Konstantin Metodiev
2021 Aerospace Research in Bulgaria  
This article represents a showcase of two different coding approaches with GAMMA, used to calculate topographic and differential phases from high resolution TanDEM-X bistatic data, provided by DLR. The first implementation approach comprises "BASH" scripting in Linux environment, having direct control of the GAMMA executables. The second approach is utilization of the PyroSAR framework, via GAMMA-API, in Python environment. Two spatial resolution scales are used – of 4 and 12 meters, to test
more » ... sibility of TanDEM-X InSAR output products in mountainous forest in rugged region. The first approach allowed thorough processing with abundant GAMMA output, whereas the high scale PyroSAR framework via GAMMA-API showed fast implementation. Comparison over 4 and 12m spatial resolution products showed good feasibility with strong influence from topography. Intense multi-looking resolved better connection of coherence amplitude to the volume decorrelation in canopy, despite preserving high resolution reveals plenty of details in land cover. Differential height calculation, without phase unwrapping, showed its significance in data processing over mountainous regions. Intensities normalization and terrain flattening showed good performance in both resolution scales. Finally, utilization of GAMMA in InSAR processing of high resolution TanDEM-X bistatic SAR data showed good feasibility and flexibility to derive interferometric products.
doi:10.3897/arb.v33.e08 fatcat:3yarql3hwzck7e5lwng3joq2m4