School Choice across Different Regions of Spain

Ainhoa Vega-Bayo, Petr Mariel
2018 Hacienda Publica Espanola  
This paper analyses the characteristics that lead parents to choose a particular school for their children in different Spanish regions. This choice is studied taking into account several school and family characteristics. We estimate the probability of parents choosing a particular school using a conditional logit model for different Spanish regions with data from PISA 2012. The main results indicate that the characteristics with the biggest influence on school choice are public/private,
more » ... on, and reputation. As expected, some characteristics, like a school being private, and its socioeconomic composition, become more relevant as family wealth and parents' education level increases.
doi:10.7866/hpe-rpe.18.4.1 fatcat:ag7cddnvmbhkhflxxj5o5q2ryi