Ways To Develop Inbound Tourism In Uzbekistan

Makhliyo Salakhiddinovna Aripova, Lecturer, Department Of Tourism And Hotel Business, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Otabek Khudayberdievich Azimov, PhD Researcher, Faculty Of Economy And Tourism, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
2021 The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations  
This article analysis way to develop inbound tourism in Uzbekistan and also its regions. As we know after pandemic situation in the whole world, most countries are trying develop tourism industry through local people and it is important nowadays to improve inbound tourism in regions. At the same time, according to the article, the main goal of research is to clarify the achievements high peaks in the domestic tourism sector and ensure economic growth, increase the number of job places, tax
more » ... ues, international exchange inflows. It is the implementation of analyzes on the formation and development of a competitive tourism market, which will make a significant contribution to the development of the Tourism Product and the Government Economy. In addition, we have to develop the infrastructure of domestic tourism, introduce certain standards for them, and further improve the service sector.
doi:10.37547/tajmei/volume03issue05-20 fatcat:22ssm6nvwbdctoacw4wpvkcthq