Measurements of the indium hyperfine structure in an atmospheric-pressure flame by use of diode-laser-induced fluorescence

Johan Hult, Iain Stewart Burns, Clemens Friedrich Kaminski
2004 Optics Letters  
2004) Measurements of the indium hyperfine structure in an atmospheric-pressure flame by use of diode-laser-induced fluorescence. Optics Letters, 29 (8). pp. 827-829. Strathprints is designed to allow users to access the research output of the University of Strathclyde. We report on what we believe is the first demonstration of laser-induced f luorescence (LIF) in f lames by use of diode lasers. Indium atoms seeded into an atmospheric-pressure f lame at trace concentrations are excited by a
more » ... GaN laser operating near 410 nm. The laser is mounted in an external-cavity configuration, and the hyperfine spectrum of the 5 2 P 1/2 ! 6 2 S 1/2 transition is captured at high resolution in single-wavelength sweeps lasting less than one tenth of a second. The research demonstrates the potential of diode-based LIF for practical diagnostics of high-temperature reactive f lows.
doi:10.1364/ol.29.000827 pmid:15119391 fatcat:t53npwc3cfc67oeyhx22vaf4j4