Information Needs in Relation to Physical Activity among Angina Patients before Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) at a Private Hospital in Penang, Malaysia

Ho Siew Eng, Jessica Ting Ai Jin, Lee Li Ching, Wong Pak Fong
2016 Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University  
Episodes experienced by angina patients are potentially frightening and life threatening. Angina patients lack awareness regarding Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) as a prognostic benefit. Aim and Objectives: To identify the information needs in relation to physical activity among angina patients before PCI at a private hospital in Penang, Malaysia. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to July 2016; 150 respondents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria
more » ... re recruited. A 16-item questionnaire related to physical limitations was adapted and modified from Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). Results: The findings reported that majority of respondents (103; 69%) possessed more than one co-morbidity, while 47respondents (31%) single co-morbidity. Those with secondary level education showed (M=15.98, SD±6.14) while tertiary level education reported (M=16.61, SD±6.11), with no significant difference (t= -0.623, p= 0.534) between respondents' education level and physical activity. In terms of occupation, employed (M=15.58, SD±6.42) and unemployed (M=17.31, SD±5.52) also reported significant difference with (t= -1.70, p= 0.04). There was likewise a significant difference between respondents with single co-morbidity (M=18.09, SD±6.88) and multiple co-morbidity (M=15.46, SD± 5.58) with (t= 2.475, p= 0.01).However, there was no significant difference between respondents with previous admission and physical activity (t= 0.868, p= 0.387), as well as respondents' age group with physical activity (t=-0.675, p= 0.501).Conclusion: In conclusion, respondents' information needs regarding PCI are significantly associated with occupation and co-morbidity towards physical activity before PCI. Age, educational level and previous admission did not have any effect on respondents' physical activity before PCI.
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