Gauge independence of magnetic moment and vanishing charge of Dirac neutrinos: An exact one-loop demonstration

Wen-Tao Hou, Yi Liao, Hong-Jun Liu
2013 Physical Review D  
The magnetic moment and vanishing charge of a Dirac neutrino are physically observable quantities and must not depend on the choice of gauge in a consistent quantum field theory. We verify this statement explicitly at the one loop level in both R_xi and unitary gauges of the minimally extended standard model. We accomplish this by manipulating directly the integrands of loop integrals and employing simple algebraic identities and integral relations. Our result generally applies for any masses
more » ... the relevant particles and unitary neutrino mixing.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.87.073001 fatcat:tnrg27dmdnegho3ambmjg53ql4