Modeling surgical skill learning with cognitive simulation

Shi-Hyun Park, Irene H Suh, Jung-hung Chien, Jaehyon Paik, Frank E Ritter, Dmitry Oleynikov, Ka-Chun Siu
2011 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
We used a cognitive architecture (ACT-R) to explore the procedural learning of surgical tasks and then to understand the process of perceptual motor learning and skill decay in surgical skill performance. The ACT-R cognitive model simulates declarative memory processes during motor learning. In this ongoing study, four surgical tasks (bimanual carrying, peg transfer, needle passing, and suture tying) were performed using the da Vinci© surgical system. Preliminary results revealed that an ACT-R
more » ... odel produced similar learning effects. Cognitive simulation can be used to demonstrate and optimize the perceptual motor learning and skill decay in surgical skill training.
pmid:21335834 fatcat:kv6rgiiwhnekxabh2sqwcj3hda