The origin of tubular lava stalactites and other related forms

Kevin Allred, Carlene Allred
1998 International Journal of Speleology  
Tubular lava stalactites are often found in lava tubes. Field observations, sample analysis, and comparative studies indicate that these arc segregations extruded during cooling from partially crystallized lava at about 1,070 -1,000 0c. Retrograde boiling (gas pressure) within the lava provides a mechanism to expel the interstitial liquid. In addition to tubular lava stalactites, a variety of other lava features can also result, such as lava helictites. lava coralloids. barnacle-like stretched
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doi:10.5038/1827-806x.27.1.14 fatcat:dntij3msbbejrepitvdinfx5ee