Ultrashort electron bunches with low longitudinal emittance in multi-cell superconducting RF guns

V.N. Volkov
Proceedings of the 2003 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37440)  
Ultra short bunches with low longitudinal emittance obtained using multi-cell superconducting RF gun having a longitudinally shorted first cell (down to 0.15 lambda) with a divergence of an accelerating RF field pattern near the photocathode are discussed. The optimised RF gun parameters and bunch characteristics computed by PARMELA are presented. Such 10 MeV ultra short electron bunches with low longitudinal emittance compatible for additional longitudinal compression scheme having RF buncher
more » ... avity and drift space or magnetic chicane downstream of them [1] .
doi:10.1109/pac.2003.1288770 fatcat:p4khevacabdnlogalfmcgg57ja