In vitro Propagation of Some Threatened Plant Species of India

C. R. Deb, G. R. Rout, A. A. Mao, S. K. Nandi, R. K. Nilasana Singha, D. Vijayan, T. Langhu, Z. P. Kikon, S. Pradhan, Mohd Tariq, D. Swain
2018 Current Science  
To prevent extinction of threatened species, in vitro regeneration protocols for the propagation of six threatened species were standardized. The regenerated micro-shoots were rooted in nutrient medium supplemented with low concentrations of auxin. The well-developed plantlets were successfully established in field conditions, thus improving the probability of self-sustenance of the introduced populations. The success story of these six threatened species reaffirms the role of in vitro
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doi:10.18520/cs/v114/i03/567-575 fatcat:xknm5bqgufbmzc43as2dlo766e