Stress fractures in rheumatoid arthritis

Tomiaki ASAI
1986 Japanese Journal of Rheumatism and Joint Surgery  
Stress fractures in patients with longstanding rheumatoid arthritis are more common than is generally appreciated. Ten such patients are described. Most of the stress fractures were in the lower extremities. Osteoporosis due to RA and corticosteroid treatment and angular joint deformities of the knees are important factors in their genesis. Unaccustomed increase in ambulation after reconstructive surgery such as total joint replacement is also another predisposing factor in the occurrence. Pain
more » ... and swelling arising from stress fractures are easily mistaken for rheumatoid synovitis. Early recognition and adequate treatment are important to avoid further displacement of the fracture.
doi:10.11551/jsjd1982.5.619 fatcat:heoclsrjeffwtm5vhqycuxbxr4