Formable Steels [entry]

Mitsunobu Abe
2006 Materials Science and Technology   unpublished
Steel design is tradit ionally governed by the imprecise knowledge acquired fro m the experimental efforts occasionally invoking the empirical, physical and thermodynamic models supported by numerous assumptions and boundary conditions. The available frameworks are independently inadequate for co mplete and deterministic composition-process-microstructure-property (CPMP) correlation. The situation thus calls for judicious integration of the potential techniques with the capability of a priori
more » ... ediction/optimization of the comp lete system. In v iew of the above the present article aims to provide a bird's eye view of the determin istic approach invoked so far in the tradit ional framework of design and development of formable steels. An attempt has also been made to propose the scheme for hybridization of the potential techniques for describing the complete CPM P correlation in the production schedule of hot strip coil.
doi:10.1002/9783527603978.mst0067 fatcat:yk7jrpd4d5akxodgwuynrozi2q