On the Multi-GPU Computing of a Reconstructed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows on 3D Hybrid Grids

Yidong Xia, Lixiang Luo, Hong Luo, Jialin Lou, Jack R. Edwards, Frank Mueller
2014 7th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference   unpublished
A multi-GPU accelerated, third-order, reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin method, namely RDG(P1P2), has been developed based on the OpenACC directives for compressible flows on 3D hybrid grids. The present scheme requires minimum intrusion and algorithm alteration to an existing CPU code, which renders an e cient design approach for upgrading a legacy CFD solver with the GPU-computing capability while maintaining its portability across multiple platforms. The grid partitioning is performed
more » ... rding to the number of GPUs, and loaded equally on each GPU. Communication between the GPUs is achieved via the host-based MPI. A face renumbering and grouping algorithm is used to eliminate memory contention due to vectorized computing over the face loops on each individual GPU. A series of inviscid and viscous flow problems have been presented for the verification and scaling test, demonstrating excellent scalability of the resulting GPU code. The numerical results indicate that this parallel RDG(P1P2) method is a cost-e↵ective, high-order DG method for scalable computing on GPU clusters.
doi:10.2514/6.2014-3081 fatcat:jieqkbekerax5hhnfkochoptne