Hypokalemic Rhabdomyolysis Induced Acute Renal Failure As A Presentation Of Coeliac Disease

Funda Sari, Ayse Gunes, Metin Sarikaya, Mustafa Eren, Ahmet Korkmaz, Ramazan Cetinkaya, Hasan Can, Nur Tukel
2010 Trakya Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi  
Adult coeliac disease commonly presents without classical symptoms as chronic diarrhea and weight loss. We describe the case of a 31-year-old woman with persistent life-threatening hypokalemia, acute renal failure, and acute quadriplegia due to diarrhea that had continued for one month. Although there are cases of coeliac disease diagnosed with hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis in the literature, none of the cases developed acute renal failure. This is the first case in the literature diagnosed with
more » ... ute renal failure due to hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis as a presentation of coeliac disease. In acute renal failure cases that present with hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis due to severe diarrhea, coeliac disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis despite the negative antigliadin IgA antibody.
doi:10.5174/tutfd.2010.04289.1 fatcat:4mg2hl6owbaajh5mwit5icxl74