Classification of a two-dimensional pose using a human skeleton

Marina Pismenskova, Oxana Balabaeva, Viacheslav Voronin, Valentin Fedosov, T. Abbasian Najafabadi, I. Sevostianov, K. Yeghiazaryan, A. Nguyen Dong, V. Mladenovic
2017 MATEC Web of Conferences  
This article proposes an approach for the human pose recognition based on to preliminary prepared high-level data of the human skeleton. The coordinates of the feature points on the human skeleton is constructed by using a neural network. In the presented method, the coordinates of the feature points are a normalized relative of the human body height and the centre of gravity. We use these data for training the neural network.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201713205016 fatcat:swlp7j7zwve2ni56pnsamxs4ve