Round worm infestation in fundus of stomach: a rare case presentation

Sharique Ansari, Nisha Mandhane, Tanveer Shaikh, Sandesh Deolekar, Sangram Karandikar
2015 International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences  
DISCUSSION Ascariasis is a helminthic infestation of global distribution with >1.4 billion persons infested throughout the world. An estimated 1.2-2 million such cases with 20 ABSTRACT A case of a 27-year-old female, in whom a 10cm long round worm (Ascaris lumbricoides) was found in the fundus of stomach, is reported here. In this patient, Ascaris lumbricoides upward migration of the worm to the fundus of stomach, its rare phenomenon, worm mostly seen in the small intestine. This is mainly
more » ... se of the high gastric ac idity. In this patient, we believe proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use caused hypochlorhydria and coexistence H. pylori infection caused chronic atrophic gastritis, which resulted in the retrograde migration of the roundworm to the stomach in our patient.
doi:10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20150190 fatcat:vdfwi67zojh7tnjrmjwdwzqkva