Reading habit among college students studying social science, science and commerce

P Arora, Anuradha Seth
2018 AGU International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities)   unpublished
Reading gives pleasure, knowledge and understanding. It is the basic tool for academic success and higher education is no exception. Thus, it is important to know the reading habit of college students in order to develop better academic skill in them. A total number of two hundred (N=200) students participated in the study with gender and subjects opted by students as the moderating variables. Findings of the study are encouraging; 'female students prefer to read novel during leisure time and
more » ... so take interest in newspaper, magazine, keep up with current affairs whereas male students are interested to read technology related reading material. Majority of female consider library to be the most favourable place for reading. Further, the study revealed that students from Social Science, Science and Commerce has preference to read material related to their field of study.