Evaluation of Pretreatment Moisture Content and Fixation Characteristics of Treated Wood for Pressure Treatment of Japanese Red Pine and Japanese Larch Skin Timber with ACQ, CUAZ and CuHDO
소나무와 낙엽송 스킨팀버의 ACQ, CUAZ, CuHDO 가압처리를 위한 처리용 목재의 적정 함수율 및 처리목재의 정착 특성 평가

Yong-Seok Choi, Se-Min Oh, Gyu-Hyeok Kim
2011 Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology  
This study was conducted to evaluate the pressure treatment characteristics of Japanese red pine and Japanese larch skin timber with ACQ-2, CUAZ-2 and CuHDO-1. The effect of moisture content (MC) on preservative treatability was investigated for Japanese red pine sapwood and Japanese larch heartwood, and fixation characteristics of CCA alternatives was also evaluated. Japanese red pine sapwood, which was dried below 30 percent MC, was fully penetrated with preservatives, and minimum requirement
more » ... of preservative retention for the hazard class H3 was achieved. Through measuring preservative retention gradient in Japanese red pine sapwood, it was confirmed that the retention gradient of CuHDO-1 was steeper than that of both ACQ-2 and CUAZ-2. In particular, it was intensified at a higher MCs of wood samples (25∼30%). Japanese larch heartwood did not meet the minimum requirement of penetration and retention for the hazard class H3 over the range of pretreatment MCs tested. With presteaming under 121°C for 12 hours, the treatability of Japanese larch heartwood was enhanced to meet the minimum requirement for the hazard class H3. The fixation rate of copper was much more faster under drying condition compared with nondrying condition; more than 95% of copper were fixed in 3∼6 days and 1 day under drying conditions in Japanese red pine sapwood and Japanese larch heartwood, respectively. After 3-week fixation period at ambient temperature, the amount of mobile copper in treated wood sample that remains available for leaching from treated wood was the highest in the wood samples treated with ACQ-2, followed by CuHDO-1 and CUAZ-2. It was proportional to the amount of copper in treating solution.
doi:10.5658/wood.2011.39.6.481 fatcat:qzns3e2u6fhezhx7ozlolqfbr4