Nonlinear laser ultrasound formation in silicon

Kateryna Voitenko, Vitaliy Veleschuk, Mykola Isaiev, Andrey Kuzmich, Oleg Lyashenko, Oleksandr Vlasenko, Mykola Melnychenko, Eugene Malyarenko, Sergey Zhelnakov, Vladimir Lysenko, Roman Burbelo
2016 AIP Advances  
In this paper, the mechanisms of laser ultrasound response formation in monocrystalline silicon are discussed. The ultrasound waves in the test specimen were generated with laser pulses of two different wavelengths and registered with a piezoelectric transducer. The amplitude of the measured signal was found to be a nonlinear function of the laser radiation intensity. It was shown, that the observed nonlinearity is related to the features of optical absorption and thermoelastic sources
more » ... in the material. A simple model taking into account temperature dependencies of the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient was developed. An excellent agreement between experimental and simulation for different wavelengths was demonstrated.
doi:10.1063/1.4966042 fatcat:3mabdmqwgvhbrhdngpl6ngquwu