Antibound states and halo formation in the Gamow shell model

N. Michel, W. Nazarewicz, M. Płoszajczak, J. Rotureau
2006 Physical Review C  
The open quantum system formulation of the nuclear shell model, the so-called Gamow Shell Model (GSM), is a multi-configurational SM that employs a single-particle basis given by the Berggren ensemble consisting of Gamow states and the non-resonant continuum of scattering states. The GSM is of particular importance for weakly bound/unbound nuclear states where both many-body correlations and the coupling to decay channels are essential. In this context, we investigate the role of l=0 antibound
more » ... virtual) neutron single-particle states in the shell model description of loosely bound wave functions, such as the ground state wave function of a halo nucleus 11Li.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.74.054305 fatcat:zu4nj6f44vfxlenxsyrh6fiidy