Flood fragility analysis of bridge piers in consideration of debris impacts
부유물 충돌을 고려한 교각의 홍수 취약도 해석 기법

Hyunjun Kim, Sung-Han Sim
2016 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
This research developed a flood fragility curve of bridges considering the debris impacts. Damage and failures of civil infrastructure due to natural disasters can cause casualties as well as social and economic losses. Fragility analysis is an effective tool to help better understand the vulnerability of a structure to possible extreme events, such as earthquakes and floods. In particular, flood-induced failures of bridges are relatively common in Korea, because of the mountainous regions and
more » ... ummer concentrated rainfall. The main failure reasons during floods are reported to be debris impact and scour; however, research regarding debris impacts is considered challenging due to various uncertainties that affect the failure probability. This study introduces a fragility analysis methodology for evaluating the structural vulnerability due to debris impacts during floods. The proposed method describes how the essential components in fragility analysis are considered, including limit-state function, intensity measure of the debris impact, and finite element model. A numerical example of the proposed fragility analysis is presented using a bridge pier system under a debris impact.
doi:10.5762/kais.2016.17.5.325 fatcat:6wwc6eefkbd4rogxgpezecnpvq