A Didactic Platform for Practical Study of Real Time Embedded Operating Systems

Adam Kaliszan, Mariusz Gł
2011 International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications   unpublished
The article proposes a new didactic platform for practical study of embedded Real Rime Operating Systems (RTOSs). Three fundamental parts that are included in the platform are discussed in detail: the hardware part, the firmware part and the software tools. In the description of the hardware part the following parts are addressed: main controller , input/output module, executing module and programmer module. The project of the hardware part is distributed according to GPLv2 license. The
more » ... of the platform is based on FreeRTOS distributed according to the modified GPL license, ported by the authors on the microcontrollers not originally supported, i.e., Atmega128 and Atmega168. The firmware part of the platform proposed and described in the article implements: the command line interpreter, file system, the protocol for communication between main controller and executing modules, TCP/IP stack and xModem protocol, among others. All the software tools work on the Linux operating system and are free of charge; most of them have open source code. Particular attention is given to a presentation of laboratory exercises that have been worked out in the process. These exercises are designed to facilitate the learning process in the study of embedded operating systems with the application of the proposed didactic platform. The proposed platform is not expensive and is easy to assemble. Most students can afford to build or modify it on their own.