A Study on the traditional usages of woody plants. (Derdin Village, Düzce, Karadeniz Province)

2020 Eurasian Journal of Forest Science  
This study shows the tools made from locally used woody plants found during the ethnobotanical research of Derdin, an Abkhaz village of Düzce province established after migration from the Caucasus to Anatolia. Local names, usages, and the frequency of use, of the woody plants were recorded. Woody plants whether naturally grown or cultivated are used to create tools that can be found in social life, farm equipment, kitchen, and architecture. Thirty-three woody plant taxa belonging to 18 families
more » ... were identified scientifically that is used by people of the area. Plant taxa are grouped according to their usage areas. According to data gathered, the plant families that are sorted by the intensity of the use are Rosaceae, Pinaceae, and Fagaceae families, respectively. As a result of the evaluation, the majority of the woody plants are used for more than one purpose.
doi:10.31195/ejejfs.779057 fatcat:lqrpjqzglzanxn2b2c5idvzyey