Emittance and energy control in the NLC main linacs

C. Adolphsen, K.L.F. Bane, K. Kubo, T. Raubenheimer, R.D. Ruth, K.A. Thompson, F. Zimmermann
Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference  
We discuss tolerances and correction schemes needed to control single-and multi-bunch emittance in the NLC main linacs. Specifications and design of emittance diagnostic stations will be presented. Trajectory correction schemes appropriate to simultaneously controlling the emittance of a multibunch train and the emittance of individual bunches within the train will be discussed. We discuss control of bunch-to-bunch energy spread using a ramped RF pulse generated by phase-modulating the SLED-I1
more » ... nput. Tolerances on ions, wake fields, quadrupole alignment, and accelerating structure alignment will be given.
doi:10.1109/pac.1995.505760 fatcat:zgeo3cbr7jezfopkdfigofvyoq