Analytical approximations of fractional delays: Lagrange interpolators and allpass filters

S. Tassart, P. Depalle
1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing  
We propose in this paper a new point of view which unies two w ell known lter families for approximating ideal fractional delay lters: Lagrange Interpolator Filters (LIF) and Thiran Allpass Filters. We a c hieve this unication by approximating the ideal Fourier transform of the fractional delay according to two dierent Pad e approximations: series expansions and continued fraction expansions, and by proving that both approximations correspond exactly either to the LIF family or to the allpass
more » ... lay lters family. This leads to an ecient modular implementation of LIFs.
doi:10.1109/icassp.1997.599673 dblp:conf/icassp/TassartD97 fatcat:j2zgukx4o5aljbcdiwx2pae76q