Motor Oil Viscosity Stratification in Friction Units of Marine Diesel Motors

Sergey Viktorovich Sagin, Oleksandr Vladymyrovich Semenov
2016 American Journal of Applied Sciences  
The phenomenon of the motor oil viscosity stratification in lubricating the cylinder-piston units of marine diesel engines has been investigated. The correlations for determining the shear stress and the velocity, occurring in the liquid flow between the parallel planes, have been given. The modes of the hydrodynamic and the boundary lubrication, taking place in the cylinder assembly of the marine diesel engine operation, have been considered. The methodology has been introduced for determining
more » ... the viscosity of the boundary layer, which separates the surfaces of the piston ring and that of the cylinder bushing in the marine diesel motor operation. The results of the experiments, confirming the presence of the viscosity stratification in the boundary lubrication layer of the marine motor oil, have been submitted.
doi:10.3844/ajassp.2016.200.208 fatcat:nvpt26ksvjgffbmj6nh2jtko74