2020 RCD CM Community Data report [report]

Patrick Schmitz
2020 Zenodo  
This report describes the first Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model Community Dataset, aggregating the assessments of 41 Higher Education Institutions. These assessments were completed using the 1.0 version of the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model (RCD CM), over a period of several months in the Spring and Summer of 2020. The RCD CM allows organizations to self-evaluate across a range of RCD services and capabilities for supporting research, leveraging a shared
more » ... to describe RCD support. The Model supports a range of stakeholders and provides structured input to guide strategic planning and enable benchmarking relative to peer institutions. This Community Dataset provides insight into the current state of support for RCD across the community and in a number of key sub-communities.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4344057 fatcat:74frjrtwjvhrtbzd5z27hgsjxe