Conversion efficiency of a laser-produced Sn plasma at 13.5 nm, simulated with a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model and treated as a multi-component blackbody

A Cummings, G O'Sullivan, G P Dunne, G E Sokell, G N Murphy, J White
2005 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics  
Corrigendum Conversion efficiency of a laser-produced Sn plasma at 13.5 nm, simulated with a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model and treated as a multi-component blackbody A Cummings, G O'Sullivan, P Dunne, E Sokell, N Murphy and J White 2005 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 604-16 Due to a misinterpretation of the solid angle involved in the collection of the 2% bandwidth (BW) EUV radiation at 13.5 nm, the net power output of figures 8 and 9 are in actual fact given with respect to 4π sr and not 2π
more » ... . Thus our previous results for the conversion efficiencies (CEs) within figure 10 are for 4π sr. This gives optimum CEs, for the given target geometry and illumination conditions, of 1.75-3% into the 2% BW at 13.5 nm per collectable solid angle of 2π sr. These predicted CEs are now more in line with the quoted experimental values of [28] and [52, 53] and still support the main contention of our study that 3% CEs should be/are attainable with the utilization of a laser-produced Sn plasma source. Also, figure 11 now attains a maximum of 0.74% into the 2% BW per collectable solid angle of 2π sr at a temperature of 23.4 eV. We would like to thank Fergal O'Reilly of University College Dublin for enlightening discussions that helped us to reach this conclusion.
doi:10.1088/0022-3727/38/19/e01 fatcat:3tiqt3jwpnctzkhjigcjnwhoxi