Some Features of the Triple Junction Motion in Aluminium

Svetlana Protasova, Vera G. Sursaeva
2004 Materials Science Forum  
The migration of the systems of tilt grain boundaries with a triple junction (<100>, <110> and <111>) in high-purity aluminium are presented. The experimental results demonstrate that the motion of grain boundary systems with triple junctions in Al at low temperature can be controlled by slowly moving triple junctions. In the high temperature range the triple junctions less affected the motion of the systems and the activation enthalpy was smaller than that at low temperature. The experiments
more » ... vealed a drastic difference between activation enthalpy of grain boundary and triple junction motion at different temperatures. The compensation effect (linear dependence of migration activation enthalpy on preexponential mobility factor) at the migration of the systems with triple junction was observed. The compensation temperature was revealed to be close to the temperature for the triple junction mobility.
doi:10.4028/ fatcat:a6j5fcv22ffzjhw5u5bntfleqi