Mode-locked Pr/sup 3+/-doped silica fiber laser with an external cavity

Yuan Shi, C.V. Poulsen, M. Sejka, O. Poulsen
1994 Journal of Lightwave Technology  
Abstruct-We present a Pr3+-doped silica-based fiber laser mode-locked by using a linear external cavity with a vibrating mirror. Stable laser pulses with a FWHM of less than 44 ps, peak power greater than 9 W, and repetition rate up to 100 MHz are obtained. The pulse width versus cavity mismatch AL and pump power have been investigated. With a short piece of nonlinear fiber included in the external cavity, laser pulses of 45 ps have been measured. 0773-8724/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE Authorized
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