Controlled‐Atmosphere Flame Fusion Single‐Crystal Growth of Non‐Noble fcc, hcp, and bcc Metals Using Copper, Cobalt, and Iron

Fabian M. Schuett, Derek Esau, K. Liam Varvaris, Shelly Gelman, Jonas Björk, Johanna Rosen, Gregory Jerkiewicz, Timo Jacob
The growth of noble-metal single crystals via the flame fusion method was developed in the 1980s. Since then, there have been no major advancements to the technique until the recent development of the controlled-atmosphere flame fusion (CAFF) method to grow non-noble Ni single crystals. Herein, we demonstrate the generality of this method with the first preparation of fcc Cu as well as the first hcp and bcc single crystals of Co and Fe, respectively. The high quality of the single crystals was
more » ... erified using scanning electron microscopy and Laue X-ray backscattering. Based on Wulff constructions, the equilibrium shapes of the single-crystal particles were studied, confirming the symmetry of the fcc, hcp, and bcc single-crystal lattices. The low cost of the CAFF method makes all kinds of high-quality non-noble single crystals independent of their lattice accessible for use in electrocatalysis, electrochemistry, surface science, and materials science.
doi:10.5445/ir/1000119604 fatcat:uqmqot6vjrfj7jjj44bopujpjm