The Research on the GATS-Minus Characteristic under the Framework of the Regional Service Agreements

Nian-li Zhou, Miao-miao Zhang
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Education Technology and Management Science   unpublished
Recently the regional service trade liberalization is expanding rapidly. In the wake of the 'GATS+' trend showing in the regional trade agreements (RTAs), GATS-Minus (GATS-) characteristics has been found obviously in part of these RTAs. This paper showed that GATS-minus commitments is concentrated to some specific service sectors (such as finance, communication, business and transportation services) and supply modes (mainly mode 3 and mode 4). The typical GATS minus commitments are as follows:
more » ... (1) imposing more restriction measures on the original market access and national treatment commitments; (2)seeking more exemption and exclusion on the subsidy related obligations ; (3) reducing the sector coverage of the GATS commitment.
doi:10.2991/icetms.2013.368 fatcat:e3kyntduhrdhtldrqxhjcuyvbe