Autophagy Can Be a Killer Even in Apoptosis-Competent Cells

Audrey Guillon-Munos, Miguel X.P. van Bemmelen, Peter G.H. Clarke
2006 Autophagy  
Despite abundant evidence for autophagic cell death as a morphological type, the notion that autophagy can actually contribute mechanistically to the cell's death is controversial. In cells capable of apoptosis, autophagic cell death has been dismissed by some authors as a morphologically unusual form of apoptosis. But strong recent evidence for autophagy-mediated death of cells rendered incapable of apoptosis has been criticized on the grounds that this cell death is too artificial to be
more » ... nt to normal cells. We here argue from our own and other recent evidence that autophagy can mediate the death even of apoptosis-competent cells.
doi:10.4161/auto.2.2.2443 pmid:16874064 fatcat:pqiwt4rakzcnllodso5mtzvn54