Development and test of an IR camera for astronomical observation at the Palomar 200-inch observatory using the NICMOS II array

Carl F. Bruce, Jr., Charles A. Beichman, Dale Van Buren, Thomas N. Gautier III, Carlos R. Jorquera, Kirk L. Seaman, Bjorn F. Andresen, Freeman D. Shepherd
1993 Infrared Technology XVIII  
A NICMOS II Array has been integrated into the California Institute of Technology's Palomar Observatory Camera. Using commercially available electronics and custom software, the camera has been fully tested and characterized. The PC-based system has been successfully used for astronomical observations at the 5-rn Hale Telescope at the Palomar Observatory. Perfonnance and calibration data are given.
doi:10.1117/12.138986 fatcat:hek42clcjrdyna6icxv2hocja4