Spectral Properties of Three-Dimensional Layered Quantum Hall Systems

Marcus Metzler
1998 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan  
We investigate the spectral statistics of a network model for a three dimensional layered quantum Hall system numerically. The scaling of the quantity J_0=1/2< s^2> is used to determine the critical exponent ν for several interlayer coupling strengths. Furthermore, we determine the level spacing distribution P(s) as well as the spectral compressibility χ at criticality. We show that the tail of P(s) decays as (-κ s) with κ=1/(2χ) and also numerically verify the equation χ=(d-D_2)/(2d), where
more » ... is the correlation dimension and d=3 the spatial dimension.
doi:10.1143/jpsj.67.4006 fatcat:mx3h7cfmozay5h7ws3d44jiopm