Renal Tumor with Pancreatic Metastasis: About a Case Report

Chaker Kays
2017 Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal  
Metastatic lesions of the pancreas are rare and account for less than 2% of all pancreatic malignancies. Renal cell carcinoma is most commonly responsible for pancreatic metastasis. Meanwhile, the pancreas is an uncommon site of renal cell carcinoma metastasis. We report the case of a patient presented with renal tumor associated to synchronous pancreatic metastasis at the Urology department in the Rabta Hospital, who underwent a radical nephrectomy followed by immunotherapy. We will specify
more » ... ough a review of the literature the epidemiological, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic effects of pancreatic metastases of renal cancer. Figure 1: Abdominal CT scan showing a left renal lesion of 11cm, isodense with heterogeneous enhancing associated to a pancreatic tissular lesion with a cystic central component.
doi:10.31031/smoaj.2017.01.000503 fatcat:5chsf3z4mnatrj43dbcpf2go6m