CASE REPORT A complicated case of scabies in a health care provider

Abdul-Hamid Lukambagire, Lulyritha Christian, Kini Mmed, Daudi Mavura, Elisante Mmed, Masenga John, Mramba Mmed, Nyindo
2018 J Skin   unpublished
Lukambagire AH, Kini LC, Daudi M, et al. Complicated case of scabies in a health care provider. J Skin. 2018;2(1):7-10. Background: Scabies is a highly contagious, neglected cutaneous parasitic disease, associated with poor individual, community, environmental circumstances and health. Hospital acquired scabies may occur due to contact between patients and healthcare providers. The non-classic presentation of scabies presents a challenging case to the clinician.