Offgas treatment downstream the gas processing unit of a pulverised coal-fired Oxyfuel power plant with polymeric membranes and pressure swing adsorption

Jens Dickmeis, Alfons Kather, TUHH Universitätsbibliothek, TUHH Universitätsbibliothek
Due to climate change it is necessary to reduce anthropogenic climate gas emissions. The application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies could be a suitable approach to lower the specific CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. One of these CCS technologies is the Oxyfuel process. In the Oxyfuel process the coal is burned in a mixed atmosphere of O2 and recycled flue gas. The flue gas thus generated has a high CO2 concentration, because of the missing air nitrogen. Still the
more » ... ed flue gas consists of approximately 15 mol-% impurities (O2, N2, Ar, NOx and SOx). To increase the CO2-purity the flue gas is treated in a gas processing unit (GPU). Two promising technologies to perform the gas processing are partial condensation and distillation. Both are well known and available at industrial scale. Using these technologies about 90 % of the CO2 can be separated. The remaining part of the CO 2 leaves the GPU with the offgas. To increase the overall capture rate of the CO2 in the Oxyfuel process the offgas from the GPU can be treated in either a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) cycle or a polymeric membrane (PM) cycle. These cycles generate a CO2-enriched GPUrecycle stream and an exhaust gas stream which consists of the residual impurities. The CO2-enriched GPU-recycle can be fed back to the GPU or mixed with the CO2 product stream of the GPU. The exhaust gas stream with the impurities has a high content of O2 and could be refed to the air separation unit (ASU) to increase the efficiency of the overall process. The additional gas treatment in the PSA- or the PM-cycle has influences on the specific energy demand of the GPU, the CO2 capture rate, the composition of the CO2 product stream and the overall process efficiency. In the work presented here the feed gas of the GPU is the flue gas of a large scale bituminous coal-fired Oxyfuel power plant. The plant model is based on the actual state-of-the-art power plant technology. For the GPU two different reference process cases are modelled. One case with a [...]
doi:10.15480/882.2223 fatcat:u26ihhn7ondfbd6hscoakpvvyq