An Automated Sequence Model Testing (ASMT) For Improved Test Case Generation Using Cloud Integration

Jit Vidya Vihar Vihar, Borawan
Software quality assurance is primarily done by means of testing an activity that faces constraints of both time & resources. Traditional testing strategies obliged the overwhelming resources and infrastructure and it can be carried out after the completion code is created. So to apply some changes after the development obliges loads of effort & cost. It likewise affects the time of deployment. So model based testing is a generally accepted & dynamic approach for quality improvements because it
more » ... gives affecting mistake detection easily. It gives scalable & systematic solution to the test case reduction problem. To better understand the need of this early test case generation general scenario of collaboration & development strategies is to be considered. The most ideal approach to improve learning of internal structure design models is the best choice. In this manner, in this work we are focusing our research on the path based testing by which internal structure of complete design can be confirmed & tested. Model based testing on path coverage is connected with standard coverage criteria for the expansive software's & generates bigger test counts. Our aim is to reduce those test counts with maximum coverage of testing at the early phases of SDLC even before the actual development begins. This paper proposes a novel automated sequence model based testing (ASMT) integrated with the cloud; this approach selects the test criteria based on UML diagram like activity, etc... Integration of the ASMT approach with the cloud gives an enormous reduction in the execution time because of Map Reduce technology. It applies the criteria with generation modules to create novel test cases. The typical deployment of ASMT integrated with cloud held in five stages: setting up test criteria, test model designing, test suite creation with the help of Aneka cloud infrastructure, performing test & analysing the result. Accordingly, by combining all the above methods improved test strategies can be designed. At the initial level of our research, the approach seems to be better that others & will demonstrate its effectiveness in future implementation.