Hospital Health Provider Behavior in Waste Application Based on Occupational Safety and Health Analysis

Achmad Delianur Nasution, Eka Lestari Mahyuni
2020 Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences  
BACKGROUND: Hospitals have potential hazards that increase the incidence of accidents or occupational diseases. AIM: This study aims to analyze occupational safety and health (OSH) risks in waste management regarding the behavior of hospital health provider. METHODS: This is an explanatory research with a cross-sectional design. The population were all health providers and janitors in hospital. Random sampling technique was chosen to obtain the study sample. Data was collected from observation
more » ... nd interview regarding waste disposal including solid waste and sharp objects. It analyzed using descriptive statistic. RESULTS: The results found that health providers had a poor behavior in managing waste such as disposing garbage not in accordance with the predetermined containers provided by the hospital management, mixing infectious waste with sharp objects, and did not care to dispose garbage at the designated place while disregarding the corresponding waste containers. CONCLUSIONS: The potential risk of accidents were very high for janitors, specifically in the extreme risk category. We recommend to increase the OSH standard procedure for janitors. Here, the hospital prepares special red garbage with Marca of needle stick injuries to help janitor classify the infectious waste.
doi:10.3889/oamjms.2020.4359 fatcat:hsonpdev6jhfxo2kc62oen2zkq