Cortico-subcortical β burst dynamics underlying movement cancellation in humans [article]

Darcy A Diesburg, Jeremy D W Greenlee, Jan R Wessel
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
Dominant neuroanatomical models hold that humans regulate their movements via loop-like cortico-subcortical networks, including the subthalamic nucleus (STN), thalamus, and sensorimotor cortices (SMC). Inhibitory commands across these networks are purportedly sent via transient, burst-like signals in the β frequency (15-29Hz). However, since human depth-recording studies are typically limited to one recording site, direct evidence for this proposition is hitherto lacking. Here, we present
more » ... aneous multi-site depth-recordings from SMC and either STN or thalamus in humans performing the stop-signal task. In line with their purported function as inhibitory signals, subcortical β-bursts were increased on successful stop-trials and were followed within 50ms by increased β-bursting over SMC. Moreover, between-site comparisons (including in a patient with simultaneous recordings from all three sites) confirmed that β-bursts in STN precede thalamic β-bursts. This provides first empirical evidence for the role of β-bursts in conveying inhibitory commands along long-proposed cortico-subcortical networks underlying movement regulation in humans.
doi:10.1101/2021.02.06.430074 fatcat:wtiix4ey6zgs7eginexkfgsiq4