Nachlieferung von Elektronen beim Entladungsaufbau in Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff für E/p von 60 bis 3000 Volt/cm Torr

H. Schlumbohm
1967 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
By analysing the temporal current shapes of electron avalanches the different secondary ionisation processes occuring in HWith increasing E/p additional secondary electrons in hydrogen are produced by positive ions at the cathode, but for E/p > 170 volts/cm Torr the avalanche currents cannot be interpreted by the photon and ion processes thus indicating the action of a third mechanism. The same result was obtained for oxygen at E/p > several 100 volts/cm Torr. This additional process is
more » ... d on the basis of different ion species and a possible action of fast neutral molecules resulting from charge exchange collisions.
doi:10.1515/zna-1967-0308 fatcat:xzb26ovjdnbqfhvnmbo5zc3l6i