Research on Maximum Power Tracking Method of Photovoltaics

Lingtian Chen, Changliang Liu
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Machinery and Energy Engineering (MSMEE 2017)   unpublished
The research on photovoltaic power generation is an important part of clean energy .In order to improve its efficiency, this paper proposed an adaptive variable step -length hysteresis control method, based on the traditional MPPT control. The duty cycle disturbance step size is determined by analyzing the influence of light intensity on photovoltaic cells and the power characteristics near the maximum power point. The MPPT simulation model is built on the MATLAB / Simulink simulation platform
more » ... nd the algorithm is validated. The simulation results show that the algorithm can quickly track the output power of photovoltaic cells when the light is abruptly changed and effectively suppress the oscillation phenomenon near the MPP point, which proves the validity and correctness of the algorithm.
doi:10.2991/msmee-17.2017.155 fatcat:kd3p4m7l6beingc4gsxfblfl4y