Evaluation of Changes in Selected Life Areas from the Perspective of Shelter Users in the Czech Republic

K. Glumbikova, P. Rusnok, R. Polakova, M. Mikulec, S. Vavrova
2020 Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention  
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the paper is to evaluate the ongoing changes in specific life areas from the perspective of shelter users. DESIGN: In order to fulfil this objective, we have chosen a quantitative research strategy. PARTICIPANTS: The data was collected from 135 participants, people living in shelters for homeless people. METHODS: We used tailor made questionnaire based on metha-analysis. RESULTS: The research results show that the changes in individual life areas are interconnected and the users go through Original Article 58
doi:10.22359/cswhi_11_4_08 fatcat:zc73xyaubzfnxncbpbq5mfigku