Healthcare Accessibility in New York City

Philip Zitser, Adam Jameel, Jonathan Lam, Jaya Ravi, Aryav Bothra, Isabelle Han, Alan Shaji, Yug Yadava, Vito Leonardo
2021 Zenodo  
Healthcare and access to medical treatment are vital to the safety and sanctity of community health, yet often there are vast disparities that make it so that healthcare is not equally accessible or of comparable quality. In New York City alone, many such disparities including those in funding and policy -- or a lack thereof -- exist, with research pointing to low-income and minority neighborhoods being disproportionately impacted. To determine the accessibility of healthcare for the citizens
more » ... the various boroughs within New York City, we will be examining how income, gender, race, and age correlate healthcare accessibility. There, the conclusion of how healthcare differs for each person in regards to their opportunity to receive healthcare can be viewed and compared to see if there is any statistical significance. After running the analysis for variance test (ANOVA), through the use of collecting data through random surveys shared across a multitude of social media platforms, the conclusion of accessibility to healthcare is not statistically significant for people in regards to their gender, race, and age because there was not enough data to support the original notion of healthcare accessibility depending on those variables. However, the conclusion of healthcare accessibility relying on income did prove true and there was a statistical significance percentage of 99.4%, which was well within the 95% confidence.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4732986 fatcat:xbj7a2vdr5fd3jnfxmh4uoukne