Influence des variations de structure sur certaines propriétés électriques et optiques des lames minces étudiées sous vide

M. Perrot, J.P. David
1956 Journal de Physique  
The objet of this work is an experimental study of some optical and electrical properties of thin layers with granular structure as functions of their thickness, all measurements being carried simultanously in vacuo. Authors have tried to connect the variations of these properties to the variations of structure of theses layers by aging or by action of the electrical field applied. An interpretation is given to explain the important variation of the optical constants in regard of the value for
more » ... ulk metal. LE JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE ET LE RADIUM TOME 17, MARS 1956, Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.
doi:10.1051/jphysrad:01956001703019400 fatcat:t7l756yegzeb3bltheuam3jii4